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Two of the episodes described in the greatest detail occurred at his summer residence. The first involves a recording of the former president talking on 21 July, 2021 about a secret US “plan of attack” against a country that is not named, but believed to be Iran.

In another post, Trump demanded to know why President Biden wasn't facing prosecution for the classified documents found at one of his post-vice presidential offices last year.

An in-depth look at the polls and what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the White House.

Similarmente identicamente conjuntamente afirmou qual este discurso do Bolsonaro para ESTES diplomatas fabricou uma camada falsa e fantasiosa que encobriu certos elementos reais qual estavam presentes na sua própria fala.

Donald Trump discursava num evento do campanha em Butler quando um homem armado tentou assassinar o ex-presidente.

Montesquieu, que veementemente criticava a teoria do jusnaturalismo, ou “direito divino” e, também, da “soberania absoluta” dos governantes, defendendo em suas ideia por de que este Estado e o poder monárquico são resultado do um contrato entre governantes e governados e nãeste da vontade pessoal como se pensava e admitia.

Já Donald Trump Jr compartilhou uma imagem pelo X do seu pai sendo escoltado para fora do comício na Pensilvânia usando este punho no ar e o sangue escorrendo pelo rosto.

“For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward — under oath — and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor. The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.”

And like most of the other candidates in the 2024 race, he has largely defended Trump after each indictment rather than risk angering Trump supporters who may be looking for an alternative.

Delay has been Donald J. Trump’s favored strategy in court cases for much of his adult life, and he is likely to follow the same playbook in fighting the latest criminal charges bolsonaro em navegantes leveled against him in Atlanta.

The disputes chewed up time — for briefings, arguments and then the period judges took to draft opinions — and when those decisions went against him, he would appeal again and restart the process.

More than 37,000 accounts liked a post in which Mr. Trump promised he would be exonerated, and thousands shared the post on their own accounts. Truth Social didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment.

On Dec. 8, 2020, the Arizona Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to the vote in that state, saying that the state bolsonaro candidato a vereador 22 Republican Party had failed “to present any evidence of ‘misconduct’ or ‘illegal votes,’ let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results.”

A trial could take place in the middle of the next presidential election. So voters - and not bolsonaro vereador just Trump's base but moderate Republicans, independents and crucial swing voters - will hear detailed allegations of "dishonesty, fraud and deceit" whilst being asked to vote him back into office.

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